Policy Makers

Policy makers played an important role in developing and reviewing the Ocean Literacy Framework and continue to support the Ocean Literacy Network. Both education policy makers and ocean resources policy makers can influence the nation’s Ocean Literacy.

Federal Funding

Two large federal agencies, NOAA and NSF, now require that grant proposals for ocean education projects address the Ocean Literacy Principles. Find out more about the impact of the Ocean Literacy Principles on federal funding here.

Vignette: Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship

The Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship allows ocean sciences graduate students to spend a year in Washington, D.C. to learn about federal policy affecting the ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes. In 2011, Knauss Fellows will learn about the Ocean Literacy Network during a Scientist Workshop, led by Communicating Ocean Sciences instructors Catherine Halversen (University of California, Berkeley/Lawrence Hall of Science), Myrna Jacobson (University of Southern California), and Emily Yam and David Bader (Aquarium of the Pacific). Learn more about Communicating Ocean Sciences.
Ocean Literacy Network seeks to connect education and ocean resources policy makers, scientists, and ocean educators to improve the public’s Ocean Literacy.