Related Literacies and Other Literacies

Related Literacies in a Similar Pattern and in Related Subjects

Compiled in May 2015 as a precursor to a ten year review of ocean literacy action.

Creating documents to specify “ocean literacy” as a topic began, as far as we can tell, with the first conference on ocean literacy in 2002 that was organized by the College of Exploration in support of the National Geographic project to use the ocean to advance learning about Geography. The result was a guide called Oceans for Life and a website at  that no longer exists with the original content for that project.

The next effort was the ocean literacy process described in this website, which began in 2004. It is grounded in ocean science and perhaps might more accurately be referred to as  ocean science literacy.

Then followed a number of “literacy” efforts with different sponsors, with different processes, with different goals. Each one has to be taken seperately and used and judged on its merits. There is not any central controlling entity or presribed process or form.

Estuary Literacy

Atmospheric Science Literacy

Earth Science Literacy

Climate Literacy – NOAA Climate Literacy Website NASA Climate Literacy Website U.S. Government Global Change Program Climate Literacy Website Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network Website

Great Lakes Literacy

Microbial Oceanography Literacy

Energy Literacy

Network Literacy

Geosciences Literacy TCOE Presentation at AGU

New Initiatives:

Global Ocean Literacy GOL Workshop 2014

Ocean Literacy Around the World


Other Literacy Initiatives that do not seem to follow the pattern described above:


Water Literacy Water Literacy in India : Foundation for Water Literacy in India Wikipedia : Water Literacy

Earth Literacy College of Exploration Website Genesis Farm Living Language Institute La Vista Ecological Learning Center

Neuro Literacy

Ecological Literacy


Environmental Literacy North American Association for Environmental Education : Environmental Literacy Campaign Website

Network Literacy Howard Rheingold

Systems Literacy PBS Website

Artistic Literacy

Music Literacy Developing Music Literacy Article : What is Music Literacy?


Atlas of Science Literacy

Scientific Literacy

Visual Literacy Wikipedia Visual Literacy : The Literacy Shed

Financial Literacy Wikipedia Financial Literacy

Corrections, additions or comments please contact peter at coexploration dot net.