Powerpoint Presentation on Ocean Literacy
16 February 2011
Great news!!!! After months (years?) of hard work, the updated Ocean Literacy power point is available for download. This development of this powerpoint has been coordinated by the NMEA Committee on Ocean Literacy and is also avaialable from the Ocean Literacy link on the NMEA Office page of the NMEA website: http://www.marine-ed.org/office.html!!!!! This is meant to be a broad brush stroke overview of where we’ve been, current successes/challenges, and where we hope to go from here. Please feel free to use this as part of presentations you may give regarding ocean literacy.
But wait – there is more!!!! In early 2010, Diana Payne was fortunate to have a part time student worker to help collect information on existing curriculum aligned to the OL Principles. Here you will find a spreadsheet of a few of the offerings – all online, and free of charge. Be sure to look through ALL the tabs – not only are the resources listed – there are frequency bars for how many of the activities listed hit which principle and fundamental concept (by principle and concept) and which grade levels are represented. This is only meant to get you started – we know more items exist, but not all are readily available or correlated yet to the OL Principles/Concepts.