Topics, by principle

Introduction | Topics by Grade Band | Topics by Principle

Topics and Subtopics by Principle

The following seven charts list the major topics and subtopics in all 28 conceptual flow diagrams of the Scope and Sequence. There is one chart for each principle. For each chart, the major branches of topics on the conceptual flow diagrams for that principle run horizontally across the top; the grade bands run vertically along the left column.

Principle #1 | Principle #2 | Principle #3 | Principle #4 | Principle #5 | Principle #6 | Principle #7

Click on the grade band link in the left column to go to the appropriate conceptual flow diagram.

Ocean Literacy Principle #1: The Earth has one big ocean with many features.

Grade Band Properties of Ocean Water Geographic and Geologic Features Ocean Circulation Sea Level


  1. The ocean is salty
  1. Ocean basins
  2. Ocean floor features
  3. Only one ocean
  1. Tides
  2. Transportation of living things
  3. Watersheds
  4. Wind-driven currents


  1. Density-driven currents
  2. Salinity
  3. Temperature
  4. Where freshwater is
  5. Where salt water is
  1. Highest mountain on earth
  2. Lowest point on earth
  3. Ocean basins
  4. Ocean floor features
  1. Currents
  2. Only one ocean
  3. Tides
  4. Transportation of living things
  5. Water cycle
  6. Watersheds
  7. Waves


  1. Density
  2. Density-driven currents
  3. Freezing point
  4. How ocean became salty
  5. pH
  6. Salinity
  7. Temperature
  1. Change over geologic time
  2. Convection
  3. Generation of Earth’s crust
  4. Motion of lithospheric plates
  5. Ocean basins
  6. Ocean floor features
  7. Supercontinent
  1. Density-driven currents
  2. Only one ocean
  3. Sea level rising
  4. Tides
  5. Transportation of living things
  6. Watersheds
  7. Wind-driven currents
  8. Upwelling


  1. Density
  2. Effect on life processes
  3. pH
  4. Salinity
  5. Temperature
  1. Generation of Earth’s crust
  2. Motion of lithospheric plates
  3. Ocean basins
  4. Ocean floor features
  5. Tectonic activities
  1. Coriolis effect
  2. Currents
  3. Density-driven currents
  4. Eckman forces
  5. Effect on climate
  6. Gyres
  7. Prevailing winds
  8. Tides
  9. Transportation of living things
  10. Upwelling
  11. Water cycle
  12. Waves
  13. Wind-driven currents
  1. Atmospheric pressure
  2. Change over time
  3. Effect on currents
  4. Global temperature change
  5. Movement of lithospheric plates
  6. Prevailing winds
  7. Regional differences

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Principle #1 | Principle #2 | Principle #3 | Principle #4 | Principle #5 | Principle #6 | Principle #7

Click on the grade band link in the left column to go to the appropriate conceptual flow diagram.

Ocean Literacy Principle #2: The ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of the Earth.

Grade Band Coastal Erosion Plate Tectonics Rock Cycle Biogeochemical Cycles


  1. Deposition of Earth materials
  2. Erosion of Earth materials


  1. Beach composition
  2. Currents as agents of sedimentation
  3. Erosion of biotic materials
  4. Erosion of Earth materials
  5. Formation of sand
  6. Rivers as agents of sedimentation
  7. Sedimentation
  8. Water as an agent of erosion
  9. Waves as agents of sedimentation

  1. Marine fossils
  2. Marine organisms contribute to rock formation
  3. Ocean sediments
  4. Sedimentary rock composition
  5. Volcanic rock formation


  1. Biological weathering
  2. Chemical weathering
  3. Changing coastlines
  4. Changing sea level
  5. Erosion
  6. Deposition
  7. Landforms uncovered by sea level change
  8. Physical weathering
  1. Earthquakes
  2. Mountain formation
  3. Subduction
  4. Sea level change
  5. Tectonic activities
  6. Volcanoes
  7. Uplift
  1. Coral reef formation
  2. Igneous rock formation
  3. Marine organisms contribute to rock formation
  4. Metamorphic rock formation
  5. Stromatolites
  6. Sedimentary rock formation


  1. Continental plates
  2. Erosion
  3. Geologic features from subduction
  4. Oceanic plates
  5. Residence Times
  6. Subduction
  7. Tectonic activity
  8. Weathering
  1. Accretion
  2. Igneous processes
  3. Sedimentation
  4. Volcanism
  1. Carbon cycle
  2. Elements in ocean water
  3. Nitrogen cycle
  4. Phosphorus cycle
  5. Silica cycle

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Principle #1 | Principle #2 | Principle #3 | Principle #4 | Principle #5 | Principle #6 | Principle #7

Click on the grade band link in the left column to go to the appropriate conceptual flow diagram.

Ocean Literacy Principle #3: The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate.

Grade Band Weather and Climate Water Cycle Global Climate Change Consequences of Global Climate Change


  1. Condensation
  2. Evaporation
  3. Precipitation
  4. Runoff
  5. Watersheds


  1. Convection currents
  2. Creation of wind
  3. Energy absorption
  4. Ocean currents
  5. Temperature fluctuation
  6. Wind energy
  1. Condensation
  2. Energy absorption
  3. Evaporation
  4. Precipitation
  5. Runoff
  6. Where freshwater comes from


  1. Atmospheric convection
  2. El Niño
  3. Energy absorption
  4. Heat exchange
  5. Weather and climate patterns
  1. Condensation
  2. Evaporation
  3. Energy absorption
  4. Ocean currents move heat
  5. Precipitation
  1. Atmospheric carbon dioxide
  2. Human effects
  3. Ocean absorption of CO2
  4. pH
  5. Photosynthetic organisms


  1. Atmospheric convection
  2. Differential heating
  3. El Niño and La Niña
  4. Energy absorption
  5. Energy transfer
  6. Evaporation
  7. Heat capacity
  8. Ocean currents move heat
  9. Precipitation
  10. Weather and climate patterns
  11. Wind energy
  1. Atmospheric warming
  2. Carbon cycle
  3. Carbon dioxide balance
  4. Greenhouse gases
  5. Greenhouse effect
  6. Human effects
  7. Ocean absorption of CO2
  8. Ocean circulation pattern
  9. pH
  10. Photosynthesis
  1. Change in ocean circulation
  2. Change in ocean temperature
  3. Decreased solar reflection
  4. El Niño and La Niña
  5. Frequency and intensity of weather events
  6. Melting of glaciers and ice caps
  7. Ocean acidification
  8. Rising sea level

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Principle #1 | Principle #2 | Principle #3 | Principle #4 | Principle #5 | Principle #6 | Principle #7

Click on the grade band link in the left column to go to the appropriate conceptual flow diagram.

Ocean Literacy Principle #4: The ocean makes Earth habitable.

Grade Band Origins of Life Oxygen Production


  1. Water is necessary for life
  2. Where water is on Earth


  1. Bacteria
  2. Fossil evidence
  3. Life started in the ocean
  1. Earth’s atmosphere
  2. Photosynthesis


  1. Chloroplast
  2. Cyanobacteria
  3. Fossil evidence
  4. Life started in the ocean
  5. Ocean sediments
  6. Theory of evolution
  1. Cyanobacteria
  2. Earth’s atmosphere
  3. Oxygen consumption
  4. Ozone
  5. Photosynthesis
  6. Respiration and decay


  1. Fossil evidence
  2. Life started in the ocean
  3. Hydrothermal vents
  4. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes
  5. Theory of evolution
  1. Aerobic respiration
  2. Balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  3. Cyanobacteria
  4. Decay
  5. Dissolved oxygen
  6. Earth’s atmosphere
  7. Photosynthesis
  8. Oxidation
  9. Ozone

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Principle #1 | Principle #2 | Principle #3 | Principle #4 | Principle #5 | Principle #6 | Principle #7

Click on the grade band link in the left column to go to the appropriate conceptual flow diagram.

Ocean Literacy Principle #5: The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.

Grade Band Primary Productivity Diversity of Ecosystems Diversity of Life


  1. Adaptations
  2. Habitats
  1. Adaptations
  2. Organism diversity
  3. Size and scale of life


  1. Coastal ecosystems
  2. Conditions for photosynthesis
  3. Coral reefs
  4. Deep water ecosystems
  5. Estuaries
  6. Open ocean
  7. Physical properties of the ocean
  8. Phytoplankton
  1. Adaptations
  2. Adaptations for living in the ocean
  3. Life cycles
  4. Metamorphosis
  5. Migration Organism diversity
  6. Physical properties of the ocean
  7. Size and scale of life


  1. Abundance of life
  2. Chemosynthesis
  3. Chemosynthetic ecosystems
  4. Conditions for photosynthesis
  5. Coral reefs
  6. Coriolis effect
  7. Estuaries
  8. Food webs
  9. Kelp forests
  10. Mangroves
  11. Photosynthetic organisms
  12. Polar seas
  13. Symbiosis
  14. Upwelling
  1. Abiotic factors
  2. Adaptations for living in the ocean
  3. Climate change effect on environments
  4. Ecosystems
  5. Food webs
  6. Habitats
  7. Habitat zonation
  8. Human effect on environments
  9. Physical properties of the ocean
  1. Adaptations for living in the ocean
  2. Biomass
  3. Conditions for diversity
  4. Life cycles
  5. Life histories
  6. Migration
  7. Organism diversity
  8. Physics of sound
  9. Reproduction
  10. Size and scale of life


  1. Autotrophs
  2. Chlorophyll
  3. Carbon fixation
  4. Heterotrophs
  5. Microbes
  6. Nutrient cycling
  7. Nutrients in photosynthesis
  8. Organic molecules
  9. Primary production definition
  10. Upwelling
  1. Abiotic factors
  2. Abundance of life
  3. Adaptations to environmental conditions
  4. Chemosynthetic organisms
  5. Coral reefs
  6. Diversity of life
  7. Estuaries
  8. Food webs
  9. Habitat zonation
  10. Hydrothermal vent communities
  11. Intertidal habitats Niches
  12. Kelp forests
  13. Niches
  14. Open Ocean
  15. Physical properties of the ocean
  16. Productivity
  17. Upwelling
  1. Diversity of adaptations to environmental factors
  2. Diversity of feeding behaviors
  3. Diversity of life cycles and reproductive strategies
  4. Phyletic diversity

Ocean Literacy Principle #5: The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.

Grade Band Diversity of Life: Adaptations to Environmental Factors (9-12 only) Diversity of Life: Life Cycles & Reproductiv Strategies (9-12 only) Diversity of Life: Feeding Behaviors
Diversity of Life: Phyletic Diversity
(9-12 only)


  1. Adaptations for diving
  2. Adaptations to varying light levels
  3. Bioluminescence
  4. Camouflage
  5. Coral bleaching
  6. Features of sound
  7. Light filtration
  8. Human effects on organisms
  9. Ocean acidification and its effects
  10. Osmoregulation
  11. Physical characteristics of the ocean
  12. Plankton adaptations
  13. Sound as communication
  1. Alternation of generations
  2. Asexual reproduction
  3. Broadcast spawning
  4. Hermaphroditism
  5. Parasitism as a reproductive strategy
  6. Parental care strategies
  7. Population density effects on reproductive strategies
  8. Sexual reproduction
  9. Strategies for maximizing dispersal
  10. Strategies for maximizing fertilization
  11. Transitions between lifestyles
  1. Buoyancy
  2. Filter feeding
  3. Mutualisms
  4. Physical characteristics of the ocean
  5. Strategies for capturing food
  6. Strategies for exploiting patchy distribution of food
  7. Symbiosis
  1. Bioluminescence
  2. Biomass
  3. Chemosynthetic organisms
  4. Cyanobacteria
  5. Diatoms
  6. Dinoflagellates
  7. Eukaryotes
  8. Fish diversity
  9. Fungi
  10. Heterotrophs
  11. Invertebrate diversity
  12. Land to ocean transition
  13. Phyla found in the ocean
  14. Physical characteristics of the ocean
  15. Phytoplankton
  16. Productivity
  17. Prokaryotes
  18. Ocean to land transition
  19. Origins of life
  20. Seaweed diversity
  21. Size and scale of life
  22. Symbiosis
  23. Vertebrate evolution

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Principle #1 | Principle #2 | Principle #3 | Principle #4 | Principle #5 | Principle #6 | Principle #7

Click on the grade band link in the left column to go to the appropriate conceptual flow diagram.

Ocean Literacy Principle #6: The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected.

Grade Band Uses of the Ocean Where People Live Human Impact on the Ocean and Atmosphere The Ocean Affects Weather & Climate which Impacts People Responsibility and Advocacy for the Ocean


  1. Commerce
  2. Food resources
  3. Human benefits from the ocean
  4. Recreation
  5. Source of fresh water
  6. Transportation
  7. Water cycle
  1. Human population distribution
  2. Weather impacts on humans
  1. Human impacts on changing shorelines
  2. Pollution
  3. Human efforts to protect the ocean
  4. Recycling
  5. Resource availability


  1. Food resources
  2. Natural resources
  3. Source of fresh water
  4. Source of oxygen
  5. Recreation
  6. Water cycle
  1. Commerce
  2. Human population distribution
  3. Recreation
  4. Resources
  5. Transportation
  6. Weather impacts on humans
  1. Chemical pollution
  2. Human efforts to protect the ocean
  3. Human impacts on global climate change
  4. Legal efforts to protect the ocean
  5. Making informed decisions
  6. Marine debris
  7. Marine Protected Areas
  8. Marine reserves
  9. Marine sanctuaries
  10. Ocean resources are finite
  11. Overfishing


  1. Biotic resources
  2. Food resources
  3. Process of photosynthesis
  4. Photosynthetic organisms
  5. Marine fisheries
  6. Sources of energy
  7. Source of fresh water
  8. Source of medicines
  9. Source of oxygen
  10. Source of salt
  1. Commerce
  2. Exploration
  3. Human cultures
  4. Human history
  5. Human population centers
  6. Human population distribution
  7. Recreation
  8. Transportation
  9. Weather impacts on humans
  1. Acid rain
  2. Acid deposition Aquaculture
  3. Bycatch
  4. Changing coastlines
  5. Changing ocean temperature
  6. Fisheries
  7. Greenhouse gases
  8. Human-made structures
  9. Introduced species
  10. Ocean acidification
  11. Overfishing
  12. Pollution
  13. Watersheds
  1. Distribution of energy (heat)
  2. Energy (heat) absorption
  1. Climate change
  2. Introduced species
  3. Influencing policy decisions
  4. Making informed decisions
  5. Marine Protected Areas
  6. Marine Protected Areas
  7. Modifications to the landscape
  8. Pollution
  9. Reducing overfishing
  10. Reducing habitat destruction
  11. Sustainability


  1. Aquaculture
  2. Fisheries
  3. Food resources
  4. Human impacts on the ocean
  5. Non-renewable resources
  6. Renewable resources
  7. Sources of energy
  8. Source of fresh water
  9. Source of medicines
  10. Source of mineral ores
  11. Source of natural gas
  12. Source of oil
  13. Source of oxygen
  14. Source of salt
  1. Careers
  2. Climate
  3. Commerce
  4. Exploration
  5. Global economy
  6. Human cultures
  7. Recreation
  8. Transportation
  1. Algal blooms
  2. Biomagnification
  3. Burning fossil fuels
  4. Changing ocean temperature
  5. Effect of technological advances
  6. Eutrophication
  7. Greenhouse gases
  8. Human effect on global climate change
  9. Impact on humans of natural hazards
  10. Human impact on ocean ecosystems
  11. Human impact on topography
  12. Human population growth
  13. Hydrofluorocarbon emissions
  14. Introduced species
  15. Ocean acidification
  16. Rising sea level
  1. Effect of changing weather and climate
  2. Effect of natural disasters
  3. Effective natural disaster warnings
  1. Education
  2. Legal efforts to protect the ocean
  3. Making informed decisions
  4. Marine Protected Areas
  5. Marine Reserves Protecting marine resources
  6. Reducing biological and biogeochemical changes
  7. Reducing overfishing
  8. Reducing pollution
  9. Sustainability
  10. The ocean is finite

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Principle #1 | Principle #2 | Principle #3 | Principle #4 | Principle #5 | Principle #6 | Principle #7

Click on the grade band link in the left column to go to the appropriate conceptual flow diagram.

Ocean Literacy Principle #7: The ocean is largely unexplored.

Grade Band Life on Earth Depends on the Ocean People Explore the Ocean Ocean Exploration Requires Collaboration Ocean Exploration Requires Technological Innovations


  1. Requirements for life
  2. Scientific investigation
  1. Asking questions
  2. Ecosystem health
  3. Hobbies and careers
  4. Making observations
  5. Natural resources
  6. Tools and technology


  1. Atmosphere
  2. Biosphere
  3. Ecosystem health
  4. Ecosystem interactions
  5. Lithosphere
  6. Natural resources
  7. Reasons for exploring
  8. Spirit of exploration
  1. Communication of information
  2. Engineering careers
  3. Making informed decisions
  4. Ocean hobbies
  5. Science careers
  6. Sustainability
  7. Technology
  1. Human immersion
  2. SCUBA
  3. Tools for exploration
  4. Tools for seeing underwater
  5. Tools for exploring ocean depths
  6. Tools for remotely collecting information
  7. Tools for surviving cold temperatures


  1. Advances in research and technology
  2. Climate research
  3. Collecting long-term data
  4. Discovering natural resources
  5. Discovering new habitats
  6. Discovering new species
  7. Human benefits from discovery
  8. Human impacts on the ocean
  9. Ocean geography
  1. Communication of information
  2. Community groups
  3. Environmental groups
  4. Governmental roles in ocean exploration
  5. Making informed decisions
  6. Role of youth in ocean exploration
  7. Science careers
  8. Sustainability
  1. Internet as a tool
  2. Ocean-observing systems
  3. Physical properties of the ocean
  4. Remote exploration
  5. Sonar
  6. Tools for exploration
  7. Tools for exploring under the water
  8. Tools for prolonged exploration


  1. Advances in research and technology
  2. Collecting long-term data
  3. Discovering new habitats
  4. Discovering new species
  5. Human benefits from discovery
  6. Human impacts on the ocean
  7. Sustainability of resources
  8. Use of resource
  1. Careers in ocean exploration
  2. Communication of information
  3. Global participation in ocean exploration
  4. Higher education in ocean exploration
  5. Making informed decisions
  6. Political engagement Science careers
  7. Sustainability
  8. Technology
  1. Computer technology
  2. Continuous data collection technology: sensors and transmitters
  3. Molecular analysis
  4. Ocean-observing systems
  5. Physical properties of the ocean
  6. Satellites
  7. Satellite image technology
  8. Scientific models
  9. Simulations
  10. Submersibles: HOV, ROV, AUV

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